Times of Operation,
We Fly Electric and Petrol Power Model Aircraft
Weekday Mornings 09.00 to 13.00 – Flying Electric and Petrol Powered Model Aircraft
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)
Weekday Afternoons 13.00 to 18.00 – Flying Only Electric Model Aircraft
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)
Saturday Mornings 10.00 to 13.00 – Flying Electric and Petrol Powered Model Aircraft
NON Flying Days – Respite days,
We will Not Fly any Power Aircraft on
Wednesday Saturday after 13.00
Sunday Bank Holidays
Numbers of Model Aircraft flying at any one-time,
One Petrol model plane and an Electric model plane can be flown simultaneously.
Or Two Electric Model Planes can be flown simultaneously.
Acceptable noise levels at stated distance for aircraft,
Petrol model planes (internal combustion (IC)) and Electric model planes will be tested to ensure they conform to maximum noise levels described in the Code of Practice on Noise from Model Aircraft 1982 (D of E) guidelines. i.e. 82dB(A) at Seven metres.
If a members model exceed the 82dB(A) at Seven meters level then a muffler will need to be fitted and the model retested before being allowed to fly.
If it’s not practical to fit a muffler or if the members model still exceeds the 82dB(A) after fitting the muffler then the model will Not be allowed to fly.
“An increase of 3 dB doubles the sound intensity,
For example, 63 dB (A) is twice as noisy as 60 dB (A)”
Control of site use,
The committee will monitor members to ensure they fly within the flying zone. Spot check will also be carried out to ensure that members do not fly outside the agreed time and days. Members will also be encouraged to report any variation from the agreed flying zone.
An email address (parcs.flight.log@gmail.com) will be given to members who will be told to email their arrival time, departure time, date and aircraft name or description.
This will be monitored by committee members.